Cool Free Stuff I Found Online
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PDF Mergy
Have a bunch of PDFs that you want to combine into one document? Check out PDF Mergy: https://pdfmerge.w69b.com/
It even can merge Google Docs together into one.
Great if you're sick of printing off individual report cards / progress reports! Just merge and print.
If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel
The Solar System Visualized in Scale
A free virtual reality app (that works on Chromebooks)
Join my frame here: https://framevr.io/mrpiercey
Build a Scale Model of the Solar System
Type in the diameter of the sun, and see what the other distances and size of the planets in the solar system would be.
And yes, they include Pluto. #freePluto
See how much you (or your students) can sing like Freddie Mercury.
This is indoor recess gold!
"What did Earth Look Like _______ Million Years Ago?" - -
Travel back in time to see what the planet looked like throughout it's history.
You can even look to see where cities of TODAY would be located.
Draw an Iceberg and See How It Floats:
Test the "How much of an iceberg do you really see?" question
See who can draw the "perfect" iceberg
A precise, three word address for every location on planet Earth: https://what3words.com/
Besides just being cool; it's a great example of how creativity can solve problems.
Will Robots Take My Job?
In 2013 Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne published a report titled "The Future of Employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?”: https://willrobotstakemyjob.com/
This site shares their findings: how probable is it that robots will take someones job in the future?
Full disclosure, it's pretty ad-heavy
...and then I was like...
- Can be downloaded or shared with anyone
- Could have your students record their reactions and share with a link (no need to download!)
Long URL Maker
- Because why not?
- If someone sends you REALLY long URLs in emails, send them one that's even longer using this site.
Google Arts and Culture
Discover and explore over 3000+ museums and art pieces
View art pieces up close (and in VR/AR)
Great for field trips!
Lets students/teachers compare two maps simultaneously/real time.
"How does this compare to that?"
Ever had a website that's not working, and not sure if it's your classroom internet connection OR if it's down throughout the world?
Yeah, go to this site.
Search thousands of images WITHOUT a background.
Way easier than using remove.bg
The Most Dangerous Writing App
Create a prompt; keep writing for a full 5 minutes, or else your writing is erased from existence.
Power through writers block.
Classroom challenge!
Population Bracketology
Can you figure out which one is greater?
Fill out brackets / etc
It's harder than you think!
Turn tabs into slides
Every 10 seconds, moves from one tab to the next
Think parent teacher night, have student portfolios cycling through for everyone to see.
Does exactly what it says
Pulls a random Street View
Writing prompts: "write a story where your random street view is the setting"
This X Does Not Exist
Old site, but a ton of things that do NOT actually exist.
Here is Today
Give students a sense of time and scale - visualized.
Grab a 3d design (.STL) file of ANY location on planet Earth: http://jthatch.com/Terrain2STL/
Can be 3d printed!
Just move the map around (or type in the coordinates) and click the "Center to Map" button to create a 3d model of the terrain.